Stratford and area
Chaplain Kathy Bjorquist

Friendly, approachable, reliable and organized, Chaplain Kathy works with couples to plan and experience a personalized wedding ceremony that is ‘just right’ for them.
Travelling throughout the Stratford and Perth County region, Kathy offers a range of ceremony options – formal or informal, traditional or modern, indoors or outdoors – the possibilities are endless. References available.
Email: kathryn.bjorkquist.weddings@gmail.com
Call/Text: 519-273-6827
The Rev Chaplain Debra Sinclair

Rev Debra is available to officiate at weddings, elopements and renewal of vows in the Stratford area and surrounding region.
You can contact her at 519-271-6302 dgsinclair50@yahoo.com
Visit her fb page https://www.facebook.com/Grace-Filled-Ceremonies-268552763528009/